Virtues are ranked in order by strongest to least strong.
The results below are for the return code:
The results below are for the return code:
Click on a virtue to learn more about it
Your Personal Results
4 | perseverance
5 | circumspection
1STUDIOUSNESSUsing one’s resources to know the truth and develop intellectually.
2MAGNIFICENCEUndertaking great things, using money, time, and talents to their full potential.
3RESPONSIBILITYFulfilling one’s just duties; accepting the consequences of one’s words and actions, intentional and unintentional.
4PERSEVERANCETaking the necessary steps to carry out a goal despite difficulties.
5CIRCUMSPECTIONCareful consideration of the circumstances and one’s options to determine the best course of action.
6gratitudeHaving a thankful disposition of mind and heart.
7respectSpeaking and acting according to our own and others’ rights, status, and circumstances.
8loyaltyAccepting the bonds implicit in relationships and defending the virtues upheld by Church, family, and country.
9self controlJoyful mastery over one’s passions and desires.
10humilityAwareness that all our gifts come from God, and appreciation for the gifts of others.
11foresightConsideration of the consequences of one’s actions; thinking ahead.
12judgmentClear reasoning leading to right action; common sense
13clemencyForgiving those who have hurt us and desiring good for them.
14meeknessSerenity of spirit while focusing on the needs of others.
15docilityWillingness to learn from other people; receptivity and flexibility.
16orderlinessKeeping one’s self physically clean and neat and one’s belongings in good order.
17moderationAttention to balance in one's life.
18obedienceListening and assenting to rightful authority without hesitation or resistance.
19courageFacing difficulties or dangers to do what is right regardless of the cost.
20eutrapeliaTaking delight in good and honest enjoyment; moderation in the use of recreation.
21honestySincerity, openness, and truthfulness in one’s words and actions.
22courtesyTreating others with the respect due to them as sons and daughters of God; recognizing that all are made in God’s image and likeness.
23kindnessExpressing genuine concern about the well-being of others; anticipating their needs
24patienceBearing present difficulties calmly.
25magnanimityHaving a “large soul”; self-possession and confidence based in God’s goodness.
26generosityGiving of oneself in a willing and cheerful manner for the good of others.
27industriousnessDiligence; working hard in the time given for it; valuing time so as to use the moments of one’s life purposefully and meaningfully.
28sincerityTruthfulness in words and actions; honesty and enthusiasm toward others; authenticity.
29modestyPurity of heart in action, especially in regards to dress and speech.*Note: For modesty, the VirtuQuest only looks at whether you try to draw attention to yourself.
30trustworthinessActing in a way that inspires confidence and trust; being reliable.
31fairnessTreating others as equals, with the same consideration that we would want them to have toward us.
32reverenceGiving due honor to God by how we behave toward Him and toward events, people, and objects associated with Him.
33affabilityBeing easy to approach and talk to; being friendly.